Announcing the 30-in-30 Flux Community Event
At Flux, we believe that Web 3.0 is more inclusive and collective. Consequently, we have been working tirelessly to start the new Web with everyone. 30-in-30 is another step towards achieving our lofty goal of a truly decentralized and inclusive internet for all.
The essential tools in our present internet are necessary for Web 3.0. It is not enough to tell the world that the best search engines, gaming experiences, video sharing, and social media applications exist on the decentralized Web. They must live on the decentralized internet.
Flux is leading a crucial shift in the history of the Web. In the past couple of months, Flux deployed upgrades, adding UDP and multi-container support to deploy complex applications. The Flux-Solana and Flux-Tron parallel assets are also underway, and now 30 additional dApps are launching on Flux this December. The infrastructure for Web 3.0 is not susceptible to arbitrary attacks, and important data will be secured on a decentralized infrastructure like Flux.
The Flux 30-in-30 is a historical epic event marked by the launch of apps that will become a part of our daily lives. These apps will strengthen the Flux ecosystem and add more utilities that will be part of our businesses and daily lives.
So far, Flux, the infrastructure for a new Web3, has grown by leaps and bounds. Right now, developers from all over the world are making their dreams a reality with a Web where everyone has a place. Flux now boasts over 2,300 nodes spread across the globe with over 800 terabytes of storage space from just a few nodes. Get set!
As we approach the exciting season, there will be more positive news for our ever-growing community. Web 3.0 is here to stay, and Flux is making it happen in grand style. There will be complete metaverses and other irresistible utilities coming your way soon. We already told you that the new Web is immersive. A Web where you live, feel, breathe, and do nearly anything you can imagine. Get ready for more apps as you celebrate the in-flux of fun on a better web.
Check us out! The Official Flux Website is hosted on the Flux decentralized network. There is so much for you on Flux. Maybe some free tokens, occasionally, which is why you should keep your eyes on the Flux community.
Curious to know what we have built so far? Check out the Flux network dashboard to see how many nodes we’ve got online. Also, sneak a peek at our massive resources available to the network. Learn about the decentralized apps running on Flux and the current rewards for Flux node operators.
And finally, please do stop by the Flux Discord to meet the Flux team and community and discuss all things Flux. We’re always on the lookout for new members and developers!