The Flux-Army Foundation: From Flux with Love.

Flux Official
5 min readJun 20, 2022


As Flux battles on the frontline on web3 advancement, another detachment of this ecosystem continues to handle the rear guard, expanding Flux into even newer territories. The Flux-Army Foundation, a not-for-profit charity organization, is the Flux ecosystem’s humanitarian arm with a mission to “build a global community of individuals who are empowered to become active, involved and independent citizens….”.This is not just a bland mantra devoid of action; the foundation, which primarily consists of volunteers and Flux team members, has continued to execute projects in the local environments where they exist with military-like precision.

From taking care of poor school children to equipping baseball teams and caring for the sick, here are some ways the Flux army foundation is putting smiles on the face of people in society.

Decentralization beyond Blockchain: Supplies to low-income schools:

As the world gradually returns to normalcy after a protracted battle with a pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, low-income households in different countries continue to grapple with the financial responsibility of getting their kids back to school. As a result, most of these children attend school without the educational materials needed for their learning.

In the Philippines, The Flux army Foundation team stepped in to bridge this gap by delivering essential supplies to needy school children. Believing that education, especially for children, is meant to be fun and requires resources to kindle their creative spirit, the team provided writing pads, notebooks, ballpoint pens, and crayons, among others. Taking the decentralized approach to caring, the Flux army foundation complements the efforts of the parent and school to provide a learning environment that breeds academic, mental, and emotional excellence.

Mums on Web3: Mothers’ Day with a touch of Flux.

Women empowerment has remained a sensitive topic that demands attention from all quarters. On mother’s day, Flux Foundation Army decided to put a smile on the face of low-income mums by celebrating with them. This celebration included recognition of their efforts as mothers alongside other treats and gifts. Then it was time for some Flux! The excited mums heard about Flux (some for the first time). They were intrigued by the fantastic way the ecosystem shapes the Web3 terrain and how this will influence their experience of the internet in the immediate future.

Building Sustainable Environments for Interoperability:

One of the serious concerns about cryptocurrency mining is its influence on environmental health, and thanks to this increased awareness, Blockchain companies are now taking their carbon footprints more seriously. However, in Venezuela, the problem required more of a “hands-on” approach. Falcon city beaches teem with waste and dirt, polluting their water and posing a severe threat to aquatic life.

Tango, Tango, Sierra. Say welcome to the Flux Foundation Army.

The army helped clear the beach and freed the water from debris clogging its flow. By the time they were completed, beach bystanders were more than ready to hear about how Flux’s interoperable ecosystem had just brokered a partnership with Lumen.

Flux, is Scoring Home Runs?

Baseball is considered the national pastime of the United States (although Football and the Superbowl now have the hearts of many Americans). However, this energetic sport enjoys widespread popularity in many other countries. So, when you see children trotting swinging their bats on their way to the field, you better take them seriously. The Flux Army did. The foundation supports two children’s baseball teams and not just by cheering from the bystanders (although that’s on the menu too). With Flux Army Foundation sponsorship, these kids can access the right sporting gear and equipment they need to reach stardom one day.

Who knows? In the future, we might be looking at an NFT from a legendary baseball player whose team was helped by Flux as a kid. But for now, these kids get to enjoy their favorite game.

Fast nodes, fast rappers. Because why not?

The Flux ecosystem uses enterprise-grade hardware for powering its node, fast nodes mean reduced lags in transaction speeds, but then it all doesn’t stop there. Flux Foundation Army has a group of spit-fire rappers too. Of course, they’re pretty fast; they’ve got the Flux!

The foundation sponsored a skating and rap competition, pushing the influence of Flux even into the territories of social arts. Beyond candlesticks, complex web3, and blockchain terminologies, the foundation army team of rappers take the gospel of Flux and web3 to the streets in hard-hitting verses and smooth lyrical flows. Web3 is for the people. Whether they’re sitting in their offices in the high-rise buildings of Manhattan or rehearsing their lines in the downtown parking lot, Flux is bringing web3 to everyone.

Flux, the People By The People.

Healthcare in some counties outside the US is pay-first because health insurance is almost non-existent or, in many cases, not available to people from low-income households. The cost of treatment and medication falls directly on the sick and is sorted before access to medical care. Flux Army Foundation helps bridge this gap by reaching out to families in dire need of finance for medical intervention.

The Flux army foundation is reuniting families and restoring hope by organizing small fundraisers and donations. Flux is redefining the future of the web through innovative technologies and infrastructure built on web3. In the words of Daniel Keller;

“Flux was built for the people, by the people. I believe in what we can do together as one global community working for the betterment of all. Let’s leave something for our children instead of debt. Flux offers the opportunity to save their privacy, data, and identity and usher in a new internet for everyone. Our gift to the world, decentralization.”

Flux Army Foundation is funded by generous donors from all over the world. Do you want to help us make a better world by donating or volunteering or making a donation in your region? Kindly check out our various projects on

