JetPack 2.0: Easy Deployment and Monitoring for your DApps.
Flux is committed to continually pushing the boundaries of innovation in the decentralized world. Now, with the launch of Jetpack 2.0, Web3 is about to get Fluxed up!
Cloud services have evolved over the years to become the nexus of application deployment. Cloud infrastructure meant faster Time-to-Market, global accessibility, and less work for developers managing the backend.
For Web3, however, there were still a few gaps to fill. Applications can scarcely be called ‘decentralized’ if they run on centralized providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Then, the big bad bat challenge of most Web3 technologies; User-Experience. However, the Flux cloud solution allows almost anybody with a working knowledge of tech to get decentralized applications running in no time……at a fraction of the cost.
Say Hello to JetPack 2.0
Jetpack 2.0 allows users to deploy their applications on Flux’s decentralized cloud infrastructure more cheaper and better. With the upgraded version and an easy-to-use interface, users can register and keep better track of all their decentralized applications running on Flux.
Jetpack 2.0 incorporates Geolocation support with which users can specify locations from which to serve their web resources. This helps to increase the accessibility of the applications and ensure resources are delivered from the nodes closest to users.
There are two networks on Jetpack 2.0; One is a test net where developers can test their applications and explore the features Flux has to offer…..all for free. This is important, especially in light of FluxLabs’ recent partnership with the University Blockchain Alliance (UBA), through which students can build their blockchain and Web3 knowledge with Flux as a launchpad. There is also the mainnet for the final launching of the application.
Enhanced DApp registration and management, quick navigation to DApp nodes location, and multi-component support are all features unveiled in the Flux revolutionary Jetpack 2.0 technology.
But there’s still more…
Persistent storage on Flux
Persistent storage has been a thing on Web2; Jetpack 2.0 is kicking it up on Flux’s Web3 infrastructure. The feature will allow data to be retained beyond the life of individual containers and shared between multiple docker images or instances.
Next Generation Web3 Storage is coming at you in a Flux!
Joining the ever-expanding ecosystem is FluxDrive, an IPFS (Interplanetary File System) powered innovation that allows you to upload almost anything and store it on Web3 without the fear of data loss.
Think of it as “Dropbox on steroids.”
FluxDrive works like a conventional cloud storage system, allowing you to upload files directly from your mobile phone or computer. You also get an IPFS link that can be used to share the file or even used in a running code.
There are different tiers of storage on FluxDrive, and users can choose to upgrade their plan to enjoy more storage space.
FluxDrive also implements a fiat payment ramp! This way, large firms, and small businesses can map out their budget and pay directly in fiat without speculating on crypto prices (Flux processes each payment via a backend settlement scheme back to the native token). Get started with deploying your application right away.
Flux is redefining the future of the decentralized internet by bridging the tech barrier and allowing end users to interact more easily with the Web3 ecosystem. We are innovating to power the free web smarter, better, and at affordable prices. Check out DApps already running on Flux.
Check out our official website or join our Discord community to participate in building the future.
Let’s Fluxing Go!