Flux is expanding — The Node halvening is coming.
With more than 2200+ nodes online, the Flux price soaring, and demand for Web 3.0 infrastructure on the rise, it is time to expand the Flux network. Flux is going to hard scale the network by halving the required Fluxnode collaterals. Flux expects to welcome many new node operators, see rapid node growth, and make the Flux network stronger and larger than ever.
The Flux network has been growing at a rapid pace during 2021 and there are now more than 2200+ Flux nodes online. The high demand for Flux has made the price of the Flux utility asset rocket and the node collateral is now unfortunately out of reach for many new members of the Flux community.
The Flux economic model was designed to ensure sustainable tokenomics and create various avenues of scaling the network. As the demand for Web 3.0 infrastructure continues to rise Flux is now going forward with one of its means of scaling: Node halvening and system requirement update.
“I’m ecstatic and overwhelmed by how many good people are jumping on Flux. I’ve always been a fierce advocate of organic growth and the importance of having a sustainable economic and technological platform. So it’s with great pleasure we can roll out reductions to the Flux node collaterals and continue to scale the Flux network. When the node halvening Flux will continue to be the pioneering and largest project in Web3”, comments Flux Co-Founder Daniel Keller.
It has always been the plan to halve the Flux node collaterals, but the growth of Flux has clearly exceeded expectations, so the halving is rolling out sooner than originally planned. The target for implementation is in the second quarter of 2022. Here are the initial details and several changes being implemented.
Node collaterals will be halved while node system requirements will be increased, so:
- Cumulus — Reduced Flux collateral, increased requirements.
- Nimbus — Reduced Flux collateral, increased requirements.
- Stratus — Reduced Flux collateral, increased requirements.
- Project Cirrus- Yet to be announced.
The intended effect is to scale the Flux network by increasing the number of nodes and computational resources while allowing new people coming into the ecosystem to participate in a decentralized manner. Project Cirrus will also be new and innovative ways to participate in the Flux ecosystem.
Current node operators would be able to run double the number of nodes with more ability to scale upward. New node operators would be able to stand up nodes at reduced collateral, as the minimum collateral is reduced. More details on the Flux node collateral halving will be released in Q1 2022.
Start collecting that Flux, you will be a node operator soon
If you don’t run a Flux node currently, we hope that the reduced node collaterals will enable you to do so. If you do run one or more nodes, we hope you will double your nodes. Either way, The Flux network is locked and loaded for an epic growth spurt at the beginning of 2022 and continues the assault to be the leader of Web3.
Come check out the Official Flux website hosted on the Flux decentralized network. Learn about the Flux ecosystem and see what’s on offer.
If you want to witness what Flux has built so far, go visit the Flux network dashboard and see how many nodes we’ve got online, check out the massive resources available to the network, see what decentralized apps are running and what the current rewards are for Flux node operators.
And also, please do stop by the Flux discord to meet the Flux team and community and discuss all things Flux, we’re always on the lookout for new community members or developers.