Flux deploys Geolocation 2.0

Flux Official
4 min readOct 13, 2022


Flux is now ready to deploy Geolocation 2.0. Increasing the features and utility of the Flux network is vital to create an attractive package for clients and to increase the rate of Web3 adoption. With the addition of the new and improved Geolocation 2.0, Flux can now provide more geographically targeted dApp deployments for its clients.

Flux is building a fully decentralized alternative to Web2 cloud hosting and computing. Flux is a full infrastructure and development blockchain service solution that offers clients a way to run on Web3 infrastructure as an alternative to centralized providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

The Flux decentralized computational network is the largest of its kind. It consists of around 15,500 nodes distributed across the World. It provides around 104K CPUs, 287TB RAM, and 6,5 PB storage worth of infrastructure for the decentralized Internet, Web3.

Flux is always working hard to increase the network's utility by adding to the feature set of FluxOS, the ‘operating system’ of the Flux network. On the Flux roadmap for Q3 of 2022, some key additions planned are Titan nodes and Geolocation 2.0.

The Titan shared node service was successfully launched on July 20th, 2022. In just ten weeks, 97 Titan nodes have been added to the Flux network, with around 3.8 million Flux locked as collateral.

Now it’s time to launch the second major roadmap item for Q3 2022, Geolocation 2.0.

At the beginning of 2022, Flux added the first iteration of Geolocation to the Flux network. This feature enabled clients to choose which region and country to deploy their decentralized apps.

With the addition of Geolocation 2.0. clients will now be able to deploy dApps to specific regions or cities within countries. This provides a much more granular way of targeting where applications are deployed geographically.

What are the benefits of Geolocation?

Geolocation is an essential feature as it gives anyone deploying their applications on Flux the option to choose where to deploy their applications and where not to deploy them.

The two major reasons for wanting to control the location of the applications' infrastructure are compliance and latency.

Let’s cover the compliance aspect first.

A business or developer might have regulatory or compliance-based restraints on where they can run their application. The Flux network may be decentralized and independent of centralized actors, but the Flux clients most likely are not. If a client has to manage any legal or regulatory liability, then being able to choose the location of deployment is a mandatory requirement of the infrastructure provider they choose.

With Geolocation 2.0. Flux is now able to fulfill this requirement and bring in new clients.

The other major reason for wanting to control the location of application deployment is latency. Latency refers to the speed at which data can travel to and from a server. Latency is important for the application to perform well and have good ‘reaction times for the end-users. Latency is particularly important for gaming applications like game servers, where ping times are paramount to having a good gaming experience. Flux clients looking to provide their end-users with responsive applications are interested in hosting their applications as close to their users as possible.

By adding Geolocation 2.0. the ability to do just that is now greatly improved.

All in all, Geolocation 2.0. is a feature that will make the Flux network a more attractive infrastructure provider and will help Flux boost adoption.

Flux doesn’t stop resting; more great features are well on the way. The Q4 2002 roadmap has new and exciting features coming to Flux, such as storage nodes, Jetpack 2.0, and more.

We invite you to learn more about Flux

Flux is fueled by community, so we invite you to come to take part. All are welcome; it doesn’t matter if you’re interested in technology, an investor, a developer, or just like to make crypto memes all day. Flux needs all kinds of people to participate in the decentralized future.

If you’re looking to deploy your application on Flux, get started right now and join the many other fully decentralized applications on Flux.

Come check out the official Flux website hosted on the Flux decentralized network. Learn about the Flux ecosystem and see what’s on offer. Check out how to run Flux nodes or how to mine Flux.

If you want to witness what Flux has built so far, go visit the Flux network dashboard and see how many nodes we’ve got online, check out the massive resources available to the network, see what decentralized apps are running and what the current rewards are for Flux node operators.

And also, please do stop by the Flux discord to meet the Flux team and community and discuss all things Flux; we’re always on the lookout for new community members or developers.

