Call for developers — Innovate on Flux and get a 100K+ grant!

Flux Official


Flux is opening applications for developers to get a 100K Flux grant in return for deploying something uniquely awesome and innovative on the powerful Flux decentralized cloud computing network. If you’ve got the ideas, skills, and motivation to build something truly unique, then Flux has the infrastructure to run it.

Flux is a powerful global decentralized computing network currently made up of more than 1670+ community ran, truly decentralized FluxNodes. That’s almost 10,000 CPU cores, 30 Terabytes of RAM, and 1 Petabyte of enterprise storage ready to flex its muscles with your decentralized applications.

The current cloud computing market is dominated by Amazons-AWS and Microsofts-Azure. That’s an outrageous amount of centralized power in the hands of a few actors. In essence, they get to make the rules and we have to follow them. If the internet and information are to be free, then decentralization is needed. Flux is the decentralized alternative to a corporate-run internet and is an open-source, community-driven project to be governed by an XDAO.

To keep the train rolling Flux is looking for the next decentralized killer application and is inviting all developers to stake their claim for a 100K Flux grant to build an awesome killer app.

How to apply for the 100K Flux grants

Flux is looking for something unique and awesome to deploy on the Flux network. It can be a single app, or a platform/system consisting of a combination of apps, or maybe something else entirely. We’re looking for something to harness the strengths of a decentralized cloud that will help expand and grow the network.

The Flux network can run any hardened Dockerized image, so the possibilities are almost endless.

Grants are given for the development proposals greenlighted by the community XDAO. Grants will be paid in phases at key project milestones with the full 100K grant paid on the final deployment of the live app/platform/system on the global Flux network.

In order for your application to be considered you need to submit a written proposal to the Flux team detailing the following:

  • Motivation for applying.
  • What use-case your app/platform/system has (why does the world need it?).
  • How it utilizes or plays into the strengths of decentralization (How does this strengthen decentralization?)
  • The technical concept of your app/platform/system (How will it work?).
  • Development schedule with set milestones (What’s the plan, when will it be ready?).
  • An introduction of the individual or team working on the project (who’s building it?).

There is no requirement as to how long or short the proposal can be, but keep in mind that it will be submitted to the Flux community for consideration and approval. In other words, make sure that it can be read and understood by most. Very technical details are fine, but make sure and explain them briefly in layman’s terms also.

The proposal can be submitted to the Flux team on the official discord or by sending to this email account:

There is NO submission deadline.

How to win the grant

All proposals that fulfill the requirements will be submitted for approval by the Flux Community through an XDAO vote in august of 2022.

There will be two rounds of voting:

  • First round: Community approval of individual proposals to continue to the second round. All proposals with more than 50% aye’s will continue to the second round of voting.
  • Second round: Community votes on which of the approved proposals should win the grant. The proposal with the most votes wins the grant.

The most voted for proposal will win a grant, more than one grant may be allocated. However, this is pending a community decision. If more than one grant is allocated, then they will go to the projects as ranked by the number of votes received.

The grants will be paid in installments on key milestones:

  • 10% Paid on winning the Grant.
  • 30% Paid on Testnet deployment.
  • 30% Paid on Mainnet deployment.
  • 30% Paid when Acceptance test is passed (earliest 14 days after Mainnet deployment).

Written acceptance test criteria is set between the Flux development team and grant winners prior to Testnet deployment.

Build the internet of the future — All are welcome

We’re looking forward to all your wonderful proposals. Join up and build the internet of the future. All are welcome.

Even if you’re not applying for a Flux grant or a developer, Flux still needs your support. Flux is a community-driven project and is no stronger than the community behind it. So whether you’re a Flux holder, GPU miner, node operator, or simply a supporter, come join us and help build a decentralized future for all.

Until then stay informed with the latest news on the official Flux website.

Also, drop by the Flux discord to meet the Flux team and community.

If you’re a developer be sure to check out the FluxOS documentation and the official Github.



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